The Features of End's Reach...
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Promotional image for End's Reach

A bit of old and a bit of new.
End's Reach

A 3D Exploration Platformer for the Atari VCS - Out Now!

End's Reach aims to recapture the joy of the 3D action platformers from decades past, but with a new spin. Modernized gameplay built and adapted specifically for the Atari VCS.

Complete your arsenal.

Screenshot of End's Reach gameplay


Collect blueprints in each of the worlds to unlock the four legendary weapons, each complete with combo attacks and elemental powers.
    Screenshot of End's Reach gameplay

    Elemental Powers

    Each weapon comes complete with many powerful elemental abilities that will aid your mission. Utilize restorative powers after a fight, bolster your defenses to prepare for a powerful foe, or utilize destructive magics to lay waste to everything in your path. It's your choice.
      Screenshot of End's Reach gameplay

      Acrobatic Upgrades

      Mastering your dash ability will be critical to your success. There are loads of upgrades you can discover in End's Reach to make yourself faster, more efficient, and harder to kill.
        Screenshot of End's Reach gameplay


        Grenades are a very limited resource that can quickly turn the tide of combat in your favour. Make use of the powerful Stasis grenade - stunning enemies within it's blast. Or the Dome grenade, bolstering your life force and turning any enemy gunfire. Grenades share a limited resource. Choose wisely.

          The Mysteries Unfold.

          Screenshot of End's Reach gameplay

          Explore an Open World

          Discover four worlds, seal the wormholes. Around every corner is something new.
            Screenshot of End's Reach gameplay


            Each world in End's Reach hides within it ancient dungeon ruins. Solve puzzles and defeat great foes to put these ancient wonders to rest.
              Screenshot of End's Reach gameplay

              Suit Upgrades

              Hidden in the depths of End's Reach are dozens of Suit Upgrades. Increase your maximum health, sprint for long distances, become an armoured fortress. The more you explore, the more powerful you will become. Only the most experienced player will uncover all of the secrets End's Reach has to offer in it's darkest places.
                Screenshot of End's Reach gameplay


                End's Reach is a game designed to be replayed. Mastering the world and it's shortcuts is half the battle.

                  An Interconnected World History.

                  Screenshot of End's Reach gameplay

                  Data Log

                  The data log is a feature that lets you unlock information about the world and it's inhabitants as you explore... Each data log entry serves a piece of a larger puzzle.
                    Screenshot of End's Reach gameplay

                    Environmental Storytelling

                    End's Reach is a world befallen by tragedy. The worlds themselves will tell a story. See what you can learn from your surroundings.
                      Screenshot of End's Reach gameplay


                      Historical records found in the open world will reveal the past of each world. Helping to uncover the tragedies that led to the downfall of each planet. Knowing the history of these worlds will help you on your mission, and help you understand who you really are.
                        Gallery screenshot of End's Reach gameplay
                        Gallery screenshot of End's Reach gameplay
                        Gallery screenshot of End's Reach gameplay
                        Gallery screenshot of End's Reach gameplay
                        Gallery screenshot of End's Reach gameplay
                        Gallery screenshot of End's Reach gameplay
                        Gallery screenshot of End's Reach gameplay
                        Gallery screenshot of End's Reach gameplay
                        Gallery screenshot of End's Reach gameplay
                        Gallery screenshot of End's Reach gameplay
                        Gallery screenshot of End's Reach gameplay
                        Gallery screenshot of End's Reach gameplay